Higbie Maxon Agney is pleased to offer its 2020 Grosse Pointe Real Estate Annual Report. Within this report you will find information on average sale prices, sales volume, real estate trends, and much more.

Our goal is to give you an accurate and complete picture of the 2020 Grosse Pointe housing market. All of the graphs were produced internally for Higbie Maxon Agney using MiRealSource multiple listing service. We are confident that these are the best statistics currently available on the Grosse Pointe housing market, and we hope that you will find the contents of this report readable and useful. Over the coming months we will use this information to help our clients make informed, educated real estate decisions. 

2020 was a momentous year in Grosse Pointe - more homes were sold than in recent years, those homes sold at a considerably higher average price than in previous years, and one of the most expensive estates in recent history was purchased. Allow us to give you a few of the more interesting statistics from the past decade: 2010 through to 2020:

• During 2020, with all its challenges, more homes were sold, than in any year during the decade

• In 2020, the highest average price per home was realized

• Across the Pointes, between 2010 and 2020, the average price has increased 77%

• The Woods has witnessed a 102% increase in the average sales price over the last decade

• During 2020 the most expensive estate in recent history was sold at $4.8 million

• Between 2010 and 2020, 154 homes worth over a $1 million were sold


Increases in home prices are being predicted nationally for 2021, early forecasts from Realtor.com predict ‘home prices will hit new highs and the market will settle into a much more normal pattern than the swings witnessed in 2020’.

HMA is here to offer our considerable local knowledge for both the sale and purchase of homes in the Pointes and beyond - we look forward to assisting you with any real estate needs you may have in 2021.

To access the full report please click on the image below.


Posted by Kay Agney on


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