Last week we visited Country Club Lane to explore three grand neighboring homes that were all completed in 1927 – numbers 381, 391, and 411 Country Club Lane.

This week we head to the magnificent 24 Beverly Road, designed by George W. Graves for Harriet N. Atterbury – it was completed in 1914. 24 Beverly Road is located at the end of this prestigious dead end street, next to the iconic gates that were designed by Albert Kahn. The 5,976 Sq ft asymmetrical English Revival home, with a slate hip roof, is set back from the road thus creating a large space in front and to the side of the house. The property has fabulous artistic detailing inside and out. The dominating exterior feature is the striking two-story oriel window (a form of bay window, which…

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Last week we explored some fine examples of Craftsman style homes found around the Grosse Pointe communities – 844 Barrington, 1030 Nottingham, and 849 Notre Dame.

This week we head to Country Club Lane to explore three grand neighboring homes that were all completed in 1927, by two prestigious architects. Welcome to 381, 391, and 411 Country Club Lane.

Country Club Lane is located on the edge of the Country Club of Detroit, and is accessed via Moross, Lakeview Ave, and Country Club Drive. It is home to seven residences that were built between 1840 through to 1970. However, it is the three homes that are located on the west side of the road that we will be focusing on.

J. Ivan Dise designed two of the homes. The majority of Dise’s commissions…

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Last week we explored the work of Hugh T. Keyes on Woodland Place. Keyes not only designed one home, 5 Woodland Place, he was also hired to transform two existing older residences – 7 and 2 Woodland Place - to make them more suitable for modern living.

This week we would like to present some fine examples of Craftsman style homes that can be found around the Grosse Pointe communities. 

The American Craftsman style came to fruition towards the end of the 19th century. It is an American domestic architectural style, inspired by the Arts and Crafts movement in Europe. Prior to its emergence Victorian and Shingle style homes were particularly popular in Grosse Pointe and in many parts of the United States. The Victorian and Shingle architectural…

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Last week we continued the story of Cox & Baker with a review of Crescent Lane – the quiet street filled with many mid-century modern Cox & Baker homes - built from the mid 1950’s to the early 1960’s. 

This week we explore the work of Hugh T. Keyes on Woodland Place. Woodland Place, once a heavily wooded area on the shores of Lake St. Clair, is a narrow street, paved with bricks. It is home to eight unique residences. The majority of the homes were designed and completed during the 1920’s by a handful of noted architects – William B. Stratton, Hugh T. Keyes, and Robert O. Derrick. Keyes not only designed one home, 5 Woodland Place, he was also hired to transform two existing older residences – 7 Woodland Place and 2 Woodland Place - to make them…

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