One of the more intriguing things about living in Grosse Pointe is the array of architectural styles that are visible on every street in the community. There are the older homes, and the more modern residences, homes created by some of the states leading architects, properties with architectural significance, and the homes that may not have been created by a noted designer, but are utterly charming.

Having recently previewed the houses on several prominent roads in Grosse Pointe Farms (most recently Kenwood Road) our thoughts turned to exploring some of the other roads that are part of the five cities. Many of the roads in the community have a superb collection of homes featuring some real gems that we may barely notice. We might not know much about…

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After recently profiling the first block of Kenwood Road – ‘the Designers’ Collection: Part 1’ – we continue with our exploration of this roads stunning homes. Having presented the French inspired residences designed by Raymond Carey – numbers 51 and 100 – we continue this trend with a look at the work of D. Allen Wright.

D. Allen Wright. D. Allen Wright was a talented designer; he created the Headmaster’s House at Cranbrook School (in 1930), two homes on Kenwood long with two French Inspired homes on Cloverly Road. His creations on Kenwood are once again excellent examples of the French Provincial approach. House number 79 (completed in 1925) is particularly noticeable and typifies the qualities associated with this architectural style that were…

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Throughout our series of blog posts we regularly focus on the history of specific homes, profile individual designers and explore interesting roads.

This week we focus on the latter with an exploration of the first block of Kenwood Road, Grosse Pointe Farms, and its designer’s collection of beautifully crafted houses.

There are many roads in Grosse Pointe that have an abundance of homes created by some of Detroit’s most prominent architects – Bishop, Cloverly, Edgemont Park and Vendome being prime examples.

Kenwood is up there with the best of them, and may even lay claim to having the largest collection of homes – on one block – by the leading architectural talent of the 1920’s. With a road of such prominence we decided to separate the story of…

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Once upon a time, not so long a go a small road in Grosse Pointe Farms was visited by several of Detroit’s leading designer’s of the early 20th century. The road, a pretty cul-de-sac, looks rather normal from the outside, but on closer inspection there are many exciting things to see.

Beverly Road is one of the few private streets in Grosse Pointe Farms, and is home to 15 houses. In 1995 something very special happened to Beverly Road – it was listed on the National Register of Historical Places. If you take a walk down the street you will view the many large-scale, wonderfully styled homes that are on display – you can read the full story of Beverly Road by clicking here.

One day, back in 1913, a rather talented architect from Detroit, Marcus…

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