As you travel around Grosse Pointe it becomes apparent that not all roads are the same. Grosse Pointe may have once been a heavily wooded farming community, with primarily flat land, but on closer inspection there are exceptions to the rule.

In Grosse Pointe Farms a major change in the landscape occurs. From Lewiston to Vendome on the blocks between Ridge Road and Charlevoix the long flat streets give way to a significant gradient, and with it comes a notable change to the architectural style found in this part of community.

Many of the homes on these streets have been designed to reflect the change in the terrain, and it is understandable why many of the designers chose to work with the surroundings as opposed to fighting them. They created…

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In celebration of Independence Day yesterday, we wanted to take this opportunity to take you back in time and share with you a brief history of our prominent and much loved community.

We will start with a very brief history of Detroit and then explore Grosse Pointe a little further.

During the period of 1701 through to 1796 three flags were flown over Detroit, first came the French, then the British followed by the Americans in 1796.

Having been occupied primarily by the French, Detroit surrendered to the English in 1760. Under this new flag many of the French settlers left the city and moved to Grosse Pointe to join the large French contingent that had made the area their home, having arrived in the region around 1701.

French map of…

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