Last week we explored a rather distinctive home that many Grosse Pointers drive past everyday – 58 Moross. Completed in 1915, the property was designed by Stahl, Kinsey & Chapman for Louis A. Moran, a cement contractor. 

This week we stay on Moross to visit 50 Moross, located next door to number 58. The property was designed for William E. Moran, in 1914, by Louis Kamper - one of the most noted architects to grace Metro Detroit. 

The 3,500 sq ft home was created in the Bungalow architectural style, an unusual approach for Kamper during this era given his reputation for producing more formal, large-scale brick-built homes. Nonetheless, 50 Moross has all the charm and grace one comes to expect with the work by the famed Detroit architect. 


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Last week we went back to school to explore the modern additions to University Liggett School, designed by the world-famous modernist architects Leinweber, Yamasaki & Hellmuth. Completed in 1954, the firm was commissioned to design a lower and middle school along with a new gymnasium, auditorium, a library, and fine arts rooms, to complement the existing older two-story brick building erected in 1928. 

This week we visit a rather distinctive home that many Grosse Pointers drive past everyday – welcome to 58 Moross. Completed in 1915, the property was designed by Stahl, Kinsey & Chapman for Louis A. Moran, a cement contractor. 

The primary architectural form of 58 Moross is the Prairie style - a popular architectural approach across the United…

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Last week we looked at one of Grosse Pointe’s modern properties, 1013 Cadieux, created by prominent modern architect, William Kessler, for himself and his family in 1959. The Kessler family often referred to the house as “the chateau on Cadieux”.

This week we continue our association with William Kessler, as we turn our attention to University Liggett School, designed by Kessler’s former boss, Minoru Yamasaki. Completed in 1954, the project was an addition to the existing Detroit University School/Grosse Pointe Country Day School building. Following the merger of the two schools (to create the Grosse Pointe University School, in 1954), the firm of Leinweber, Yamasaki & Hellmuth, was commissioned to design a lower and middle school along with a…

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Last week we reviewed 457 Lake Shore, the splendid home of Roy D. Chapin, who commissioned John Russell Pope to design a grand estate on Lake Shore in 1927.

This week we jump forward to 1959, to look at one of Grosse Pointe’s modern properties, 1013 Cadieux, created by prominent modern architect, William Kessler, for himself and his family. The Kessler family often referred to the house as "the chateau on Cadieux”. 

1013 Cadieux is a 1,700 sq ft one-of-a-kind modern style residence. The house is constructed from a light-steel frame; with floor to ceiling glass panels on the front and rear elevations, and brick-built end walls. The roof is comprised of a distinctive three-bay folded plate roof. The exterior of the home also features a privacy…

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