Higbie Maxon Agney has a long history of listings and selling luxury homes and estates in the Grosse Pointe area. We are a member of Who’s Who in Luxury Real Estate and the only Grosse Pointe-based agency that is Regent-status.

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Luxury Real Estate in Grosse Pointe

The Board of Regents

  • The Board of Regents is the governing body for Luxury Real Estate. Each market area may only have one qualified broker as a Regent.
  • Higbie Maxon Agney is the Regent for the Grosse Pointe marketplace and is the only broker in Michigan with this distinguished designation.
  • As a result, Higbie Maxon Agney, Inc. benefits from exposure on additional websites, and our listings are seen first on

Who’s Who In Luxury Real Estate

  • The Luxury Real Estate network, which is governed by the Board of Regents, represents a body of brokers who have the finest resources for selling and purchasing high-end properties.
  • Our network includes global broker reciprocity and a high traffic website for buyers all over the world.