Found 1 blog entry tagged as 390 Merriweather.

Last week we presented two Detroit Free Press Home-of-the Week recipients from 1936. The residences, 305 and 307 Merriweather, couldn’t have been more different in terms of architectural approach. However, what united them was that they were designed for the modern American family. 

This week we stay on Merriweather to conclude our series on the Detroit Free Press Home-of the-Week recipients. Located on this popular street, 390 Merriweather (formerly 272 Merriweather) is a splendid Cape Cod property designed and built by Walter H. Mast in 1938. Mr. Mast was also responsible for the design and build of 305 Merriweather (as featured last week).

Walter H. Mast was a prominent architect/builder in Metro Detroit. He designed and/or built over fifty…

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